
Intramural Swimming at Ridgewood College

It is vital to be water-aware in order to survive in and around water. Swimming lessons are not a luxury, but a necessity and a social skill that nobody should be deprived of. With this in mind, Ridgewood College have decided to implement a swimming programme for all children at the school, with the aim of making them water safe, developing potential swimming talent, and fostering a love and respect for the swimming environment.
The College have teamed up with Little Fishes Swimming School to provide regular swimming lessons intramurally during PT lessons. Days and times of classes will be communicated by the school once confirmed. These swimming lessons will be done at no extra cost and will fall within school hours.

How does swimming during Physical Education lessons work?

Swim season will take place in Term 1, from January to April and in Term 3 from September to December. Once each learner’s level of swimming is established, Coaches will be able to teach each learner on their level of ability.

School swimming is done in large groups. Should a child not be water safe, it is highly recommended that they attend extramural swimming lessons where the swimmer:teacher ratio is 2:1.


Swimming Caps

CAPS are compulsory for all learners. CAPS can be purchased directly from the school.